Saturday, October 11, 2008

Being back home, but with a baby in tow......

It was so strange picking up our luggage and then going through the doors to the arrivals pick-up lounge with Aviv and Emiro. I felt.... so grown up? playing a part? Kind of like an out of body experience. Within seconds I saw mom waving from the audience, and then she ran up to us and immediately took Aviv from my arms and kissed her. It was heart warming and I continued to wheel our luggage / stroller / car seat with Emiro towards dad. We sat down at the airport cafe area and enjoyed coffee for an hour before starting the 1 1/2 hour car ride from Ben Gurion Airport to Haifa.

At home, meeting her auntie Leore for the first time:

Hanging out with my parents, waiting for my sister Shira to arrive:

Snuggling with Auntie Shira:

Falling asleep in her arms:

The following day we had a couple family member drop by to meet Aviv (we had a bigger party planned that weekend) - my aunts and grandparents were too impatient to wait, not that I can blame them!

With my grandma & Aunt Rivka:

With Aunt Simi:

Grandma & cousin Oren

We also went to visit one of my best friends - Sandy, and her husband Arie:

Getting smiles from Cupcake!

And she gets kisses in return:

Showing off her iron grip on Sandy's finger:

We were watching the opening of the Olympics here:

Later that evening Shira picked us up and we drove to Aunt Simi's place to celebrate her birthday.

Aviv's great grandparents:

Shira taking Aviv's fingers out of her mouth:

This picture makes my heart sing:

As you can see, she got loads of attention and was not allowed to be in my arms:

Being silly:

We went a bunch of times with my parents to the mall, where they went crazy and bought Aviv a million toys. She's becoming so much more observant and alert that she's starting to react to the toys we show her:

Getting burped by Emiro after a BF session at the Greg coffee shop in Horev Mall:

Different day, different coffee shop:

My cousin Roxanne came to visit from England, so we go together one evening:

We started carrying Aviv face forward in the Baby Bjorn- she has such great head control now:

We had a party at my parents house for close family members -- everyone got to meet Aviv and she loved all of the extra attention:

Aviv had a blow up poop in the middle, so like a little diva she had an outfit change :)

Posing for a couple of cameras:

Someone is getting tired:

A beautiful series of photos (please excuse my dad's hairy legs, though!!!!!!!)

Getting bathed by Shira and my mom at the end of a (very!) tiring day of being passed around between family members:


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